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Gabe Cadenhead, Fuse Student 
"I found the presence of the Lord. I didn't know what it was at the time, but I sensed Him. I eventually became hungry for more. What I hope people find at Solid Rock Ministries is a Holy Spirit filled life as well as learning to hear His voice, just as I had in that season."

About Fuse Program

Frequently Asked Questions

Can the Fuse Program function as an internship for college credit? 
The Fuse Program is not currently accredited through any universities. However, if your college offers the option of an internship for credit, and the Fuse Program is approved through your school, our team will provide the necessary facilitation/signatures for college credit to be achieved. 
What is the housing like? 
Fuse team live in apartment-style condo – 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom apartments for eight.
How do meals work?
Solid Rock provides a meal plan for students. Whenever our kitchen is serving a retreat group, Fuse team members are welcome to join that group. When there is not a group on property, Fuse team members will provide food for themselves.
What does a typical week look like?
In the world of camp ministry, there is no typical week. Interns schedules revolve around our guest groups. A week will consist of these elements: Teaching/development sessions, serving guest groups, working in different capacities with our full-time staff, general leadership opportunities, and Bible study.
What is the cost of conferences and outings?
There is no cost! All of your outings and conferences are covered by Solid Rock as a part of the Fuse program. 
Do I have to be a former Solid Rock camper or summer staffer in order to apply?
No! Whether you are a high school graduate, college graduate, taking online classes, or just want to take a year off from classes, you can apply for Fuse. No Solid Rock experience is required.



  • Study hall time will be provided throughout the week

  • Development seminars in areas such as leadership, finances, and life skills as well as a Bible study

  • Learn from guest speakers that come from different industries and backgrounds

  • Take online classes while living and serving at Solid Rock Ministries


  • Create unforgettable memories with team outings and retreats

  • Participate in local outreach projects

  • Volunteer with various ministry organizations

  • Serve Solid Rock guests from various ministries from across Texas and beyond


  • Have daily encounters with the Triune God of the universe

  • Live on site at Solid Rock Ministries in an incredible community

  • Experience Solid Rock Ministries full-time staff family culture

  • Networking with churches and other ministries that we partner with

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